Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

Esta semana fue muy bueno. Gaah.. Quiero escribir en español haha Hay muchas personas que me pidan ayuda con su tarea de íngles o misioneros que me pidan ayuda con su íngles y cada vez yo apriendo que íngles es muy feo. Me encanta español mucho más.

Translation- This week was really good. I want to write in Spanish. Haha theres many people that ask me for help with their english homework or missionaries that ask me for help with their english and every time I learn that english is really ugly. I love spanish much more. Its true haha The grammar, the spelling, the pronunciation, I love spanish.

We have an investigator right now who was born in Jamaica, lived in New York but lives here now. He´s big, short, and black. I say that because Elder García has a weird fascination to black people. He just likes to talk to them and wants to teach them really bad haha No sé porque. Anyway, he has a doctrate in Psycology and has three schools here to teach english, but has major problems with his visa and passport, so he might get deported or something soon. He nor we are sure. Anyway, its pretty funny because Elder García talks to him in English then translates into spanish for his wife, who is from here. And I only speak to him in Spanish haha I also had splits with the district leader last friday, hes from Colorado and played lax too (yeahhhhh). After we were done working for the day, we were sitting on the couches in our house and he wanted to talk in english. I told him he could, but I was going to continue talking in Spanish haha He wasnt the happiest with that, but we still talked haha. The next day Elder García and I passed by some contacts we made earlier. I also passed by their house with the district leader. When I was with E Garcia, the lady told me that she can understand me so much more than the other ¨chele¨ or ¨white person¨. I thought it was interesting because he has 9 months here and I only have 8 weeks... No sé porque puedo hablar español sin mucho desafíos, pero me encanta el idioma todavía.

MOMMMM!! You came to Nicaragua?!?!?!? Whaaaaaa????????? How was it? How did you make it to the mission office??? Who helped you? hahaha
My first day here was crazy. The cities are super different and not like any place ive been in the states. The bus stops and taxis and whatnot are not as... ¨regulated¨ like there. Yeah, let me know how that experience was haha
Thank you sooooo much for the food! The suitcase and the other bag is almost like a years supply of food... but ive already eaten a good portion of it. Haha. I havent cooked any of the pastas or canned food yet, but Ive enjoyed the ritz and power bars and juice boxes haha The back scratcher is also my friend near the end of the night haha
Dad, thank you so much for sending your gospel cd. I feel like Jeremiah because I keep playing track 8 ¨mountain!!¨multiple times in the morning haha
Mac, I loved your letter in the suitcase. I am going to keep it for sure to remind me of whats important.

Oh yes, so our area was split last week, with the ¨cambios¨or transfers (every 6 weeks), but I remained in the same area with Elder García thank goodness. With all that extra food, Im not sure how I would have transported it haha I didnt take any pictures this week. We were busy with the area being divided, moving in the new elders and cosas como eso.

So here´s something I have learned and compared slash contrasted in the way of life here and the way of life in the states. People work their lives away. Here it is more noticeable because they stay in their house and just work. Taking one day of the week to go deliver their goods or whatever they make. Its amazing because the markets here are stock full of handmade stuff that is really beautiful and such an art, but its all the people do. Make the goods, sell the goods in the market. Literally when a person says ¨Trabajo en el mercado¨or ¨i work in the market¨ your heart just strains... Some families wake up at 2am and work until 10pm. Doing the same exact thing every single day. The difference at home is that we go to some building, do practically the same thing and return home. We just have the illusion that we can be promoted or receive some other type of recognition. But in reality, the hardest thing to try and have people understand is what is significant in this life. ¨You can live forever with the family you love¨ ¨uh huh... ¨*clang clang clang* goes the hammer on a sandal. Its sad. Its difficult to try and wake the people up to the importance of eternity when their heads are focused on what their hands can make. Life isnt about what we can make nor leave behind because of the work of our hands. Its about what we can make with our hearts. If we can truly generate a love for the eternal perspective, we will never lose what is important.

Every time I study this gospel, every single day, I see this more and more and have a stronger desire to help people understand that. But its up to the person. For those of you who read this, please take the time to consider if what you do for your life (not your job or your hobbies), but what you do with your heart and your love is going to be worth it. If there is a doubt, resolve it. I have no doubt that this gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I have no doubt that I need Him in my life. I have no doubt that I love Him and will do my best to return and live with Him again. That is what is important to me.

Hasta proxima semana,
Elder Mann

Friday, November 16, 2012

Teaching a dance lesson

Teaching a class
Everybody has a motorcycle

Active Volcano

Inactive Volcano

Bible book cover

Book of Mormon Cover

A family makes Catcher's mask

On the way to the Volcano

Splits with Elder Batz/Mann

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Hello hello

This week was pretty good. We have lost quite a few investigators. They just dont want to change or keep commitments or appointments. Ah well... We´ll find more ha
The area is going to be split into two this week either Tuesday or Wednesday, so last Friday we has exchanges or splits with the zone leaders so Elder Garcia could show a ZL the houses we found and he could pick which. Entonces, I went to the other area Masaya (the main hub of our zone) and was with Elder Batz. Hes from Guatamala, but his name is from Germany. For that day, we were Elder BatzMann hahaha We had a good time. Lots of the appointments fell through so we were walking and contacting quite a bit, but still enjoyable. We were walking and I saw a family sitting in their patio (like an arizona room in the front of the house). We literally went three steps past the door and I said "family" so we turned back to go greet them. Once we turned around I saw the back of the mom running around the corner and all four of the rocking chairs where the family had been were still rocking. Hahaha Guess we scared them. We did have a Family Home evening and as we were walking to the house Elder Batz asked me if I had a game to play to represent repentance (I taught the lesson in district meeting and we played other improv games too). I thought of one and we played Bippitiy Bippity Bop with the family. Its a real simple fun game to just gab and laugh. They loved it haha

So the activity! The dance! It was pretty darn... different. Haha. Only 4 investigators showed up because the members didnt invite non members. Only their families.... So that part fell through. Then the dance part... Only the kids participated with about 8 hermanas tambien. All the rest sat and watched. Way different than other dance lessons Ive taught, but I understand it a bit haha They were laughing, talking. Elder Garcia was going off and helping other people in the middle of other things for stuff that wasnt important (ie how far forward to put your foot when standing still) haha and yeah. So I just sped through the lesson. Normally takes 45-60 m inutes. I think I did it in 15 or 20...ha In the end, they wanted a demonstration, so Elder Garcia and I danced for a good minute to "You Didnt Know Me When" by Harry Connick Jr (a member got me a cd of swing songs) until he was all confused from spinning and turning haha He bowed out and then they asked me to do a solo.... soooo I did a variation of the Tranky Doo which was pretty fun. For those of you that know, they love when I do the "shorty george" ha Youtube it if you dont know, its fun. But yeah, that was that dancing experience there. Probably not going to do that again fora while...

Oh, we also saw one of our investigators, we havent taught him since the first week I arrived, a bit tipsy in the street a few days ago around 2pm. That was a bit disheartening. Then a few minutes later after we escorted our tispy investigator across the busy street, we saw another young man we are going to teach who was almost baptized in Guatamala before moving here standing on a street corner with a cigarette behind his ear. Palabra de Sabiduria lesson coming up.

Considering this, but knowing the rest of it. I had a good week. Im excited to continue on and be able to focus more on one area of our mission that is not so big. Thatll help things out a bit. Hope youre all doing well. Sorry I havent sent out any letters. I have to buy the envelopes individually and I dont really have time to write on Pdays because we do things as a district or go to the markets or something that takes all the time. Hypocritically, please keep writing! Haha And if you send packages, ties would be awesome as well as any food. Fruit snacks, peanut butter, crackers, candies, lifesavers, dried fruit, banana chips, trail mix, etc. Ha.

Enjoy the pictures too! Sent quite a few this week.

Elder Mann